How would you like to enter this world with a
brain pre-programmed to crave junk food?
'Junkitarian' birth:
Toward the
realization that you are what your mother ate,
(NaturalNews) the March
2013 FASEB Journal published research that suggests
Women who eat junk food
while pregnant chemically alter the brain of their unborn
Eating junk food while pregnant changes the development of
the opiod signaling pathway in the developing brain. This
change results in a higher tolerance for food that is loaded
with sugar and fat. Essentially, babies are born "junkitarian."
They need to eat higher amounts of fat and sugar in order to
feel satisfied that they have enough.
Healthy eating and physical activity
Interventions targeted at healthy nutrition need to occur
in childhood and adolescence to prevent or reverse the
effects of being overweight and poor eating habits
"This study shows that addiction to junk food is true
addiction." said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of
The FASEB Journal. "Junk food engages the same body
chemistry as opium, morphine or heroin. Sad to say, junk
food during pregnancy turns the kids into junk food junkies."
Follow junkitarian birth with billion dollar ad budgets to
entice children to crave junk food, and you have a perfectly
diabolical plan for enslavement. They own your body when
you are born. They capture your mind as the television and
Internet babysit during childhood.
According to data compiled by the nonprofit health
organization Food & Water Watch, children see more nearly
5,000 TV food ads every year, and teenagers get
by almost 6,000 annually. The majority of ads target kids
using gimmicks like cartoon characters and sweepstakes to
make sugary cereals and hamburgers more attractive.
As children's online activity has
risen, massive corporations
like McDonald's have also designed child-focused websites,
complete with video games that push the brand, that are
getting hundreds of thousands of young visitors a month.
The hand off...
Once a lifetime of junk food has taken its toll, the big food
industry can hand you off to the big pharmaceutical industry.
Big pharma will toy around with you for a while before
handing your over to the surgeons and oncologists for the
final series of blows. Such is the journey of the junkitarian.
The obvious message here is to pregnant women and
Were you planning on offering up your child to
big food,
big pharma and
big medicine?
Don't do it.
Live in freedom by consuming organic,
non-processed food. It tastes better. It is less expensive
in many parts of the world now.
Consuming real food leads to better mental, physical and
spiritual health.
For starters, search online for "organic pregnancy."
You'll find
immediate information and resources to help you avoid
taking on unnecessary toxicity during pregnancy. For
example, here are 10 organic pregnancy tips to get your
mind going in the right direction.
Tuesday, March 05, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant
Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
When looking for eating tips to help you make healthy decisions for yourself and your little one, it is best to check with your doctor and see what they think you can do to ensure your baby...
Tags: babies, addiction, junk food, junkitarian,
How would you like to enter this world with a brain pre-programmed,
to crave junk food?